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5 Facts About Florida HOA Foreclosures

In the eyes of many, HOAs play a crucial role in maintaining the appearance and value of residential communities – but what happens when an HOA forecloses on a homeowner’s property is an entirely different matter. To learn more about what to do if the HOA forecloses your home, reach out to an experienced and…

What is the Difference Between Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement?

Debt consolidation and debt settlement are two options that are available to those having difficulty with mounting debts. While both options can potentially help individuals manage and pay off their debt, they work in different ways and have different implications. It is important for clients to explore and understand the differences between these options with…

What Does a FICO® Score Mean?

The difference between a FICO®, credit, and VantageScore® can be convoluted and throw people for a loop. Despite the nuanced differences that make them hard to understand, they are extremely essential to understand for Americans hoping to get a better grip on their financial well-being. To learn more about these different types of credit scores…

What Is Zombie Debt?

Many Americans have the burden of carrying different types of debts for long periods of time. Between student loan debts, mortgages, medical debts, credit card debt, and more, it is easy to lose track of money owed in some cases. To learn more about managing and disputing owed debts, please reach out to a Florida…

How Experian Tricks People Into Signing Away Their Rights

With just how elaborate day-to-day life is in the 21st century, people are susceptible to manipulation. In the case of scammers, pickpockets, and even multinational corporations such as Experian, millions of Americans unknowingly fall victim to the immoral tactics of criminals. If you or a loved one has found themself affected by similar scandals, please…

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